I love drawing and have done ever since I can remember. I went to college to complete a course on fine art where I focused mainly on portraiture and the Art Nouveau genre. I also met my wife there who later inspired me to develop my art into the exhibition environment, where I am able to meet my customers and fellow art lovers. After college I focused on pencil portraits for people and tried my hand at murals and even glass painting.
About Me

A good friend of mine introduced me to the drawing tablet which was a whole new challenge, focusing on the screen whilst drawing on the pad. This was where my car drawings really began. Over time I improved my ability to create visually pleasing artwork that I am able to print as big as people want, which is amazing.

Drawn by Matt is all about affordable custom illustrated posters available to purchase online and at local car shows in Kent & London. Everything is freehand, there is no click of a button that creates these illustrations, which is what is so unique about my work.
The sizes that I have chosen are specific to frames that are affordable and readily available at craft shops and online, and my prices take into consideration this additional cost.